We’re Building A Wildlife Tower!

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What Is A Wildlife Tower?

Firstly, any long-time fans will not recognise the phrase “wildlife tower” in our portfolio. We’ve never had to build one before, but they’re brilliant. In short, it’s a small building for all manner of wildlife to come and live and rest in. Once completed, our 5-metre structure will sit in the Lancashire countryside and be a rest spot for all passing birds, mice, butterflies, whatever chooses to stop there! Basically, we want it to be the best animal hotel in Lancashire.

Why Are We Building A Wildlife Tower?

Not long ago we bought a farmhouse and some accompanying land in East Lancashire. The farmhouse has had a difficult existence and has suffered water damage over many years. With loose stonework and shabby foundations, it needs a great deal of work done to have it back in any decent condition. This is our long-term project: to have it habitable and useable. However, we have determined we basically need to raze it to the ground in order to get it in a good condition.

This extreme renovation is not good news for the occasional tenants the ruined barn does currently get. Barn owls have been seen visiting and we don’t want to ruin their residencies! To solve this and to not leave our owl friends out in the cold, we considered bird boxes. There’s plenty of forested area on the land where we could put up a few boxes. But then we found The Barn Owl Sanctuary and their big idea of a wildlife tower. At almost 16ft in height, this narrow, tall, structure would accommodate all sorts of local wildlife!

So as you can see from the video above, and on our YouTube page, building has begun! Once completed it will have access for owls, other birds, bats, mice, and anything else that fancies a look in.

What Are The Advantages?

Whereas bird boxes cater simply for birds, our wildlife tower is accessible to many more small creatures. Bird boxes, traditionally, are made out of wood, whereas our tower is made of stone and mortar. This makes it less susceptible to rot, stronger in the rain and wind, and more durable and long-lasting.

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