Lime Harling Educational Visit

Our team are currently conducting restoration & consolidation works at St Oswalds Church, Warton. This includes the application of  Traditional Lime Harling to replace the existing pebble dashing.

As part of the restoration process we always try to work closely with our clients to provide knowledge & understanding of the traditional materials & methods we use. As such we organised for some of our clients & local architects to visit St Oswalds Church whilst the harling coat was being applied.

Company Director Phil Braithwaite conducted a talk about Lime Mortar and the benefits of using it over modern materials, before giving a demonstration on the application process. Lime Harling is a rough textured finish often found on Churches & Castles. The coating provides a weather proof & decorative finish.

Dave Wiggins, Senior Engineer at Curtins also attended the site visit and will be giving a talk on the “functional performance of lime harling”  at the building limes forum conference in Sterling Later this week.

Find out more about Traditional Lime Harling Here ->

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