Ministry of Justice Contracts Completed

Restoration work at Chester Crown Court & Preston Sessions House for the Ministry of Justice has recently been completed.

The work commenced at the beginning of the year which included vital roof repairs to both buildings. Our roofing team replaced broken and slipped slates that were causing water ingress to the building. Roofing Work at Preston Session House also involved the removal and replacement roof air vents.

Much of the buildings lead work was also damaged & deteriorated which was also causing water ingress. In many places the lead had split, which is caused by the expansion and contraction of the lead under various weather conditions. Split lead can be easily patched or welded, however other areas required new lead installations.

Both buildings have had stone restoration work in the past and had previously been pointed and grouted using cement based products. Cement does not allow the stone work to breath, causing moisture to be trapped inside the walls. A build up of water can cause deterioration of the stonework and cause the cement mortar to fail.

Our team removed the existing cement pointing and grout on buildings parapets and chimneys. A new lime based grout was poured into the voids between the stone work and allowed to set, before being re-pointed with lime mortar.


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