Concrete Floor Installation Barn Conversion

On this project the client required us to concrete the floor of this barn conversion. This barn was constructed in 1768 this room had been used as the farm dairy. It had pre-cast buskins installed for milking. Drainage channels running out the door. The stone kerbs & stone flags had been laid on lime mortar.

We had to remove the existing concrete floor, stone flags, stone kerbs & concrete buskins. We used a small excavator with a pecker attachment to break up the concrete floor. The waste material was removed to a waste processing site to be recycled in crushed for hardcore. The barn conversion is constructed on solid rock.

Once the concrete floor had been removed we had to reduce the floor level. The concrete floor was laid on bed rock, so the pecker was used to remove the bed rock.  The small micro excavator made it easy to excavate the floor area. We removed the block work from the windows to allow the fumes from the excavator to escape the barn.

We removed the broken up concrete to a skip located in the car park. All the concrete had to be wheel barrowed out of the barn, down a steep slope, across the yard area & over the road. We removed a total of 30 tons of rock & concrete from the barn. All the original flag stones and stone kerbs were removed and stored outside for re-use in other areas of the barn conversion.

Once all the concrete was removed we had to reduce dig the barn floor. We found the concrete was laid on the original bedrock. So we used the hydraulic pecker again to break up the rock. Once we had reached the correct depth we removed the broken up rock.

We located a manhole previously installed by another contractor. There was a number of foul & waste water drains to install under the floor of the barn before it was concreted.

Once the manhole was found one of our groundwork’s excavated around the manhole chamber to clear the inlets. The inlets in the manhole had plastic stoppers installed to prevent spoil ingress. The ground around the site was very rocky which made excavating difficult. When the trench for the waste water pipe was excavated we install a 4″ plastic waste pipe.

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