Lime Pointing Barn Conversion

This project involved Lime Pointing the front and rear elevation of this Barn Conversion in Longridge, Preston. We are specialist Restoration Contractors who have a large knowledge of Lime Mortar work.

There are many Listed Building in Preston that have been repaired in the past 40 years with cement mortars and not lime mortars. Unlike Cement based Pointing mortar, lime mortar will allow the Stone walls to breathe, this will stop any water ingress and reduce damp into the internal walls. We complete most of our lime work using Hydraulic Lime Mortar or NHL Lime. Where possible we use locally sourced sand & materials to match with the colour of the existing stonework.

Our team had to prepare and clean the walls before any lime pointing could be applied. We used a portable pressure washer to clean the stonework on the barn conversion. Then our specialist building contractors used a NHL based lime mortar to point the stonework.

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