Lime Rendering Oak Frame Building

This oak frame building has been erected on the rear elevation of a Grade II listed building. The planning was passed as old plans of the Listed Buildings shows a section of timber frame building. The old timber frame building was demolished a long time ago after it fell in disrepair. The new oak frame building was constructed by Oakwrigths.

On this project we used a premixed Lime Render Thermocromex on the infill panels of a new Oak Frame Building.  A base coat of Monocromex  with Fibreglass reinforcing was first applied to the oak frame panels. Then the pale yellow Thermocromex lime render was then applied.

The coloured Lime Render is ideal for a low maintenance building. The Thermocromex being used here is fully breathable and flexible. and will allow for the expansion and contraction of the oak frame. Lime Render can also help with damp problems in old buildings.

The existing house is a Grade II Listed Building, we Lime Plastered the entire House using a Lime Putty based Lime Plaster, while the panels on the oak frame building was plastered using Thermocromex lime render.

Thermocromex lime render is ideally suited for the application on to wood wool boards. A NHL or Lime putty based renders are better of a masonry background.

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