St Pauls Church

St Paul’s Church is in the village of Norden in the outskirts of Rochdale. The church is over 150 years old. The ethos of the Church is to build on and respect the traditions of the past while looking to the future.

The main footpath leading in to the church grounds was a traditional cobbled path. Due to the path being very uneven it was proving problematic for wheelchair users to use it. Elderly parishioners were often concerned about using the path due to the uneven blocks being a trip hazard. The other alternative route into the church grounds was via a steep flight of stairs so this was not a viable option for those with reduced mobility. The Church committee decided work needed to be carried out to improve access.

UK Restoration Services was contracted to complete the works to improve the church access.

The existing cobbles were carefully taken up and sorted by our team. Cobbles that could be reused were kept and those that were broken or damaged were disposed of.

The road was excavated and levelled. The level was adjusted to be level with the back of the tarmacadam and the leading edge of the step. The churchyard step was taken out and re-bedded.

Greenmoor Rustic Yorkshire Paving sets were laid on the side with the handrail. Enabling an improved access route for wheelchair users and those with reduced mobility.

Cobbles from the previous path were carefully re-laid on the other side of the path and were re-pointed in sand and cement. The handrail was adjusted to be a more suitable height.

The works have enabled the historic cobbles to be retained whilst ensuring the path is suitable for all parishioners to use.

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