Stone Slate Roof Repairs

On this project our roofers repaired a stone slate roof in Barley, Lancashire. Barley is situated around the bottom of Pendle Hill close to Clitheroe, Gisburn, Burnley, Nelson, Colne, Barrowford, Whalley & Chatburn.

The property is a 1750 stone built attached listed building. We erected an access scaffold above a ground floor garage & also on the front elevation.

Our roofers then removed the stone copings from the roof-line. The original copings were bedded to the roof with a cement based mortar. The lead detail around the chimney was leaking due to being pointed with sand and cement.

Our team of roofing contractors removed the cement fillet from the wall top. Large voids on top of the wall had to be filled before using lime mortar to bed the stone slates back to the roof-line.

Some of the stone roofing slates had slipped from there original position. These stone slates were pegged back into place with aluminium pegs.

Slate and stone roofs are a significant feature of many historic buildings. To repair and conserve them successfully necessitates the use of appropriate traditional materials and techniques. A stone slate roof, providing it is well maintained, can last for at least a century and possibly much longer.

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