Scartho Cemetery: Interview

Scartho Cemetery is coming along nicely, with work on the steeple almost done and the waiting room building being revamped. We’ve talked about the waiting rooms a lot, but what were they originally? What did the lodge do? And just how old is this site? We spoke to Lisa Logan, Head of Open Spaces from North East Lincolnshire council to get some answers! Watch the full video on our YouTube page:

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How old is Scartho Cemetery?

“The chapel and subsequent buildings were built in 1888 and the cemetery was opened in 1889. The buildings were built to represent the cemetery. The lodge was built on site for the person who ran the cemeteries at that time, somewhere the management could be to make sure the site was well looked after. The waiting rooms were or people who turned up for early burials so there was somewhere for them to be before they went to the burial.

What will the buildings be used for after restoration?

We want to repurpose the buildings. The building that was formerly the lodge will be used for affordable funerals so we can offer them to the public. Then, the former waiting room will become a memorial and flower room. I think it’s very important, especially for the members of the council here, to give back to the community. It’s important that we look after them and this is why we’re restoring buildings.

When we had the first stage of works done, it was absolutely brilliant to go round it. We held the local elections in the chapel earlier on this year in May, and people just coming in purely to look at the building. They were they were actually in awe of it.”

We also spoke to Gavin Duffy from EQUANS, the property management and architects familiar with the site.

What needs doing?

“This is the second phase of works; the first phase was undertaken two years ago. This phase involves repointing of the spire, stonemasonry, and brick replacement and repointing at the plinthe level. We have some internal floor works to do. There was some heave which has caused some damage to the floor as a result of failed drainage in the past. So we have some flooring works to do, some retiling, we’re going to install some original floor ducts that were taken out and concreted over a number of years ago. And then we’re currently going through the brick replacements for the plinth, repointing works and then we’ve got some stone masonry on the flying buttresses to repin.”

Why did Scartho Cemetery need restoring?

I think the difficulty is whenever buildings are not used. Once they’re in use, there’s usually a regular maintenance regime, but once there they’re not in use, they do become a bit dilapidated. Structurally though, the buildings are perfectly good. So we’re not doing anything above and beyond what’s necessary for the buildings, bearing in mind that they are listed.

UKRS did the first phase on the chapel so we knew what to expect in the second phase. The standard of workmanship is top class. Can’t complain, so far so good!”

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