Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel!

UK Restoration Services YouTube Page

Our YouTube page has been quietly picking up subscribers over the last few months. A big thanks to everyone who has subscribed so far! We’re on the chase for 500 subscribers though, so if you’re still not subbed, come and give us some lovely clicks!

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Videos uploaded in the last month include:

– Putting up a fence resistant to cow bums
– Demonstrating what a stone turret repair would look like if it wasn’t lashing it down with rain
– Steam-cleaning a war memorial, also in the rain
– Shoving a camera on a hose down some Cumbrian drains

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As you can see, some very exciting stuff happening lately! Subscribe today to discover the rest of our projects and stay on top of upcoming work!

Also, what sort of videos would you like to see more of? Let us know! Either leave a comment on this blog below or drop us a note on one of the YouTube videos you watch – we’d love to hear from you!

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