Twin Arch Rail Trail Restoration Timelapse Video

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This timelapse video shows the work undertaken between July and September 2020 as UK Restoration Services carried out conservation work to three bridges on the Rail Trail, just north of Beck Hole in the North York Moors National Park.

These bridges once carried the Whitby-Pickering railway over the Murk Esk river but since this was diverted in 1865 to the current line of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway they have carried only foot traffic. The work was essential to save the bridges from collapse and was all done in a sympathetic way, using locally sourced stone and traditional lime mortar, with special protection measures for the important wildlife in the area.

Part of the Land of Iron project, this was made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, David Ross Foundation and North York Moors National Park Authority.

Find out more by walking the Rail Trail and seeing the bridges and fascinating heritage for yourself. A summary can be downloaded from…, or purchase the ‘Rail Trail’ guidebook from local outlets.

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