What Is Core Drilling?

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Core Drilling

Most people will be familiar with drilling. Normally, domestically, it’s using a hand drill to put up shelves or some other chore you’ve been putting off. Core drilling though, is a different beast entirely.

Core drilling is on a grander scale, for drilling many metres into a building or other solid. A hand drill will use its spiral shape to grind down the material into small chips or other swarf. Whereas a core drill will bore deeper and extract cylinders of material from whatever you’re drilling into.

Phil was out on site recently with the core driller lined up to drill 1.2 metres into sandstone. As he explains in our latest video upload, he was required to stop every 400mm to extract the cylinders. At a later point, we will fill these holes with steel Cintec anchors. Also in the video, Phil explains why this will help keep the structure secure.

This was also an opportunity to bring out our draincam. A lit camera on the end of a steel retractable hose allows us to peer deep into what we’re working on to see what the drill has been digging through. This allows us to check for possible safety issues.

So if you’ve ever heard of core drilling but not been sure what it is, this is the video for you!

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Core Drilling

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