YouTube Video VVVGMEhnZlpJNG4wcUh0bWhZY2hNNk9RLks5dHVKenFPQUxj 32. Chapel Saved - Temporary Roof now covers Fire Damaged Pugin Chapel Trucking taking Tractor to Claas, MEWP to Durham #claas #truck #trucking 31. MASSIVE scaffolding covering Fire Damaged Church 30. BIG Stones for a BIG Wall with a BIG Excavator on the Farmhouse Project Chilled Saturday stacking rocks with Excavator and Grab #Excavator #Digger #construction 29. Historic Roof Cupola - Start of the Restoration in Manchester 28. Large Roof Section COLLAPSE on Historic Building 27. Waited 2 years to collect this Red Phone Box for the Farmhouse project. 26. Fixing Manitou Telehandler & Sorting Stone for Retaining Wall Build 25. Pugin Chapel boarded up & unseen for 45 years, first look inside following devastating fire 24. More Concrete blocks - Crane's back, dismantling huge Stone Chimney 23. Quick Video, more concrete blocks loaded 22. Salvage on Burnt out Listed Building continues!! 21. Beautiful Hand Carved Cross - How we fitted it Onsite 20. Scary High!! - saving one of England's best Chapels