Traditional Roofing

Traditional Roofing – The roof is often the most striking and dramatic feature of any building, particularly if it is of some antiquity. The roof structure is often the oldest, and least altered part of a historic building. Traditional roofs can yield important information about a building’s age and significance. That so many historic roofs have survived for centuries is a testimony to the design, materials and skills used on traditional roofs.

Equally important are the distinctive materials used in on traditional roofs. Lead, slate, stone and thatch are common on heritage buildings. These contribute to the unique character of many English regions, towns and villages.

When the time comes to replace a roof, it is important to observe and record early detailing. It is vital to replicate details that have performed well and look to improve upon areas that have failed. Although it is tempting to use modern standards and guidance, these may not be appropriate. Modern standards can introduce bland uniformity as well as dilute regional distinctiveness. That is why it is vital to work with conservation officers to maintain a buildings heritage.

Where roofing elements have failed, it is common to find internal damage to structural timbers and fixings. These should also be repaired in keeping with the original design. Water ingress at roof level can cause significate damage to other heritage elements, such as ornate plaster and stonework.

Experienced Roofers – We have over 20 years’ experience in the roofing and building industry. Providing traditional roofing services for residential and commercial clients throughout the UK.

Using quality materials and traditional methods, we aim to provide the highest level of traditional roofing services. Our advice and experience will ensure the character and integrity of your roof is maintained. Our dedicated team of skilled roofers undertake all roof construction work.

Where possible slates are recycled to reduce the environmental impact. Old slates can be removed, cleaned up and re-used. Any replacement slates are always sourced from local suppliers to ensure the best match and fit.


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