Lime Plastering And Rendering

Lime plastering cottage foulridge 4

Traditional Lime Plastering and Lime Rendering

UK Restoration Services are an established restoration company who specialise in traditional lime-based plastering, rendering and pointing. We carry out all aspects of internal and external work to a very high standard. Our skilled team has over 20 years’ experience working with lime-based products. We have the knowledge and expertise to carry out work on some of the UK’s oldest and most historic buildings.

Lime plaster was the traditional finish for houses pre-1919 and was used up until the late 1950s.  Cheaper plasterboard and gypsum products became more readily available replacing lime. Lime products have many benefits over cement-based plaster, hence lime plaster and render are still used today.

The most impressive feature of lime plaster is its breathability and flexibility. These properties make it an ideal product for conservation and restoration of historic buildings.

Most modern buildings have no movement, shrinkage or damp, therefore, cement-based products are fine, whereas older properties that use many different materials and specifications need a product that is more forgiving.

Benefits of Lime-Based Plaster and Render

Lime plaster is breathable (vapour permeable), absorbing and evaporating moisture from surrounding masonry.  Lime plaster allows moisture to easily pass through it, while cement will trap and prevent moisture from escaping. Using lime plasters on damp walls and environments will allow the structural walls to breathe.

A build-up of moisture in a home can lead to failed plaster, damage of structural masonry and cause the growth of dangerous mould and fungus.

Whilst cement-based plasters and renders are strong, they lack greatly in flexibility. Any movement in a building can easily result in cracking. Cracks in external walls will allow the ingress of water and damp.  Cement render traps moisture easily and can cause the render or plaster to fail over time.

Lime whilst not as hard is more flexible. It allows for movement and thermal expansion, minimising cracking and prolonging the life of the plaster.

Lime Rendering

Anti Fungal
The alkaline properties of lime are naturally bacteria repellent. Combined with lime plasters breathing properties most homes are free from mould and fungal growth.

Lime based products are much more eco-friendly as the manufacturing process produces less carbon dioxide. Furthermore, during the setting process of lime plaster and render, it re-absorbs carbon dioxide, therefore lowering its carbon footprint even further.

Natural lime reveals the colour and characteristics of the aggregate they are mixed with. They often have an attractive traditional appearance which is pale in colour. By using a breathable paint, lime plaster can have a modern or colourful finish.

Get in touch today to discuss your Lime Works project – Contact Us


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