
Hydrae living on the timber

What Is Dry Rot?

What is Dry Rot? In short: Dry Rot is a living, growing fungus that loves damp conditions and timber. If you have wood in your house, it needs to be sufficiently ventilated to prevent growth. What Does Dry Rot Look Like? It starts with spores invisible to the human eye. They are everywhere and constantly

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Restoring Darwen Tower

One of the biggest jobs over the end of 2021 and the start of 2022 was the restoration of Darwen Tower. Environmental Issues We hit a couple of snags along the way, some of which related to environmental activity across the moors. We’re always very conscious of not disturbing nature wherever possible (see: bats currently

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Scartho Cemetery Waiting Room

New Project: Patch Pointing, Roofing, Groundwork, Joinery and more at Scartho Cemetery, Lincolnshire

We have secured a project for the next few months over in Lincolnshire which we’re very excited about. It’s a revisit to a place we’ve worked on before – Scartho Cemetery, Grimsby. Previously we’d done some drainage work, but now we’re back for a full three-building restoration! The story was first covered by the Grimsby

New Project: Patch Pointing, Roofing, Groundwork, Joinery and more at Scartho Cemetery, Lincolnshire Read More »

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